domingo, março 25, 2018


Um vôo com bastante ritmo e batida e com novos passageiros (footprint e Akadama Bros). Dos beats ao hip-hop, da electrónica ambiental ao breakbeat.

Partida do Terminal 107.9. Aeroporto Internacional de Tóquio: Narita!

01. footprint - Leave
02. DJ Krush - But the world moves on
03. Silent Poets (feat. EJM) - Check the l'intellect
04. Akadama Bros - Mijikai Jinsei
05. Teriyaki Boyz - Even More
06. Rare Metal Corpse - Kid I like you

07. M-Flo - Chuo city
08. Tofubeats - Lonely Nights
09. Nautilus (feat. Mizuku Kamata) - Tom's Dinner
10. Ultra3Q + PZ - Ito Okashi
11. footprint - ruved

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